Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Project 1: Paul Carlson

The Stonestown Apple Store is basically a long rectangle measuring approximately 80’ long by 22’ wide. The layout of the store emphasizes this in a linear fashion, employing simple rectangular and square tables on which Apple products are displayed. Tables are arranged along either side of the long walls as well as up the center of the space; this has the effect of not only creating two paths to the back of the store, but also putting many things within easy reach. Customers could literally turn away from one display area only to be immediately and spatially confronted with another display area.

Three types of materials were used throughout the store: glass/acrylic, wood, and metal. Combined, these create a very minimalist yet striking aesthetic, which also mirrors Apple’s product branding/identity. In addition, I believe these materials may be employed to convey subtle messages, that of transparency (glass/acrylic), sustainability (wood), and durability (metal). Apple hardware was placed closer to the entrance of the store, allowing customers the option of playing around with the products upon entering the store. Software and other accessories are placed closer to the back of the store, near the Genius Bar; presumably, this is because customers are more likely to take a less hands-on approach to software/accessories, and may require customer service assistance. Indeed, one thing I noticed was that on the day of our site visit, most people in the store were congregated near the back, even though the front of the store was more open and had plenty of unattended Apple products on display.

The window displays in the front were used to good effect; although the entire front façade (including the two doors) is glass, the two window displays on either side partially obscured the view into the store from the outside. I believe part of the motivation behind doing so was to give the Apple Store a sense of peace and tranquility, even when it’s bustling with customers. In addition, the window displays were used as teasers; the display on the left highlighted the new line of “green” laptops (with a large poster behind the laptops, calling attention to this fact), whereas the window display on the right had a larger-than-life model of the iPhone, along with a backdrop of oversized iPhone application icons, arranged in a grid (much as one would see them in the iPhone display screen). The effect was to both create a sense of calm yet entice customers and pique their curiosity.

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