Sunday, February 15, 2009

I have had a go at altering the logo changeing the font and also the size of the swirls. 


  1. I really like the bottom right one, I like the abstractness of the logo. I also like the very top one. I'm torn between if I like the swirlies being the same color as the text or not. but I really like this much better than the previous one where the decorations extended way past the type (if that makes sense).

  2. I agree with brie, the swirls feel like they are more incorporated into the word, nice progression. good work tom.

    Have you tried ending the swirls in a simpler line, (like the portion within the S) they seem a little floral.

  3. interesting progress. i definitely like that it has less sinuous lines but still remains festive. gave you tried it with other type faces? how about a san serif typeface? also try it all caps or all lower case.

  4. I also think a sans serif typeface might be better, will make it look more contemporary.

  5. Hey Tom..I like your designs. The one on the bottom left looks good to put on flyers and forms. Do you have any other color choices though? Maybe dark purple and gold for school colors, or orange to make it pop, maybe blue? :) hehheh
