Thursday, March 8, 2012

Logistics Team Progress: Website, Fundraising, Contacting donors, Kickstarter

Hello! The Logistics Team for Chroma—checking in.

It's been a busy few weeks for everyone involved with this show (Logistics Team, Graphics Team, and Structures Team. Oh, and Professor Trogu, too!), but we've accomplished a lot of stuff—though we still have a lot more to do!

Some key highlights of the past few weeks for the Logistics Team:

Chroma Website

The show's website is updated, with current info and graphics! Whoo! Excellent graphics from the Graphics Team and great photos from Florence and Maggie.

Beer Pong Competition

We've set up a beer pong competition to raise money! There's a lot of excitement around it, and we hope for it to be a tremendous success, not only for fundraising but for bringing a lot of spirit to the whole process.

For more information:

Contacting Donors

After a much more strenuous process than people realize, we're finally on our way to contacting a very LARGE number of potential donors. We're very happy with our list and our letterhead (thanks, graphics!), and are confident about reaching out to all of these people and businesses.


We've decided to set up a Kickstarter account to raise more funds. It's definitely a lot of work itself, but we feel it'll be worth it! We want to go the extra mile to do what we can to make Chroma a huge success.

Until next time! Two short months from Chroma's official launch!

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