Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Apple Store

I went to the Apple Store on my own time since I missed this day. Anyways, the Apple store's design is very simple, with a modern feel to it. There are displays at the main entrance that can be seen as you walk by the store as well. The display on the right was very appealing because it featured iphone or ipod touch applications and it had a sense of depth/3D look (sorry, I completely forgot to take some photos). But I did take some quick sketches. Customers are allowed to interact with all products displayed and were very accessible due to the simple table setup. The store seemed to be designed to fit a good number of customers at once. The customer range was mostly college students with a few older in age. The "Geniuses" were very helpful and answered every question we had. It was good to ask them questions about the store design because they did have knowledge behind how and why the store looks the way it is. For example, the lighting contained of square fixtures with fluorescent lights and circle fixtures with halogen lights. One genius found that they were designed that way to create an environment that feels both "indoor and outdoor." It was an interesting discovery. Tables resembled workstations, walls contained large ads of new products. Organized accessories section, store looked like it had a lot of space, preventing a sense of clutter. Very simple and straight forward store.

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